The installation can be done with pkgutil:
# pkgutil -y -i collectd
The configuration file is located at /etc/opt/csw/collectd.conf. Make sure to comment out rrdtool as we want to use Graphite as destination:
#LoadPlugin rrdtool
Then activate the Graphite plugin:
LoadPlugin write_graphite
and make sure to configure the graphite plugin accordingly (there is an example down in the config file):
<Plugin write_graphite>
<Node "stats">
Prefix "server."
Postfix ".collectd"
Then restart CollectD and the metrics should be flowing in to Graphite:
# svcadm restart cswcollectd
Make sure to reload the webpage of Graphite-Web to show the new metrics.
# svcadm restart cswcollectd
Make sure to reload the webpage of Graphite-Web to show the new metrics.
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